Now you can experience the power of Platemasters in your CAD workflow!

Simply download our Free Platemasters CAD plug-in below to start building your custom plates and panels the easy Platemasters way! 

Free Download

Minimum System Requirements: Windows operating system and Autodesk AutoCAD software. Installation instructions included with download.

Thousands of combinations allow you to construct almost any computer or A/V plate imaginable. 
The best part, most custom plates and panels ship in as little as 48 hours. 

• Save Time and Money 
• CAD Plug-in allows you to design custom plates and panels on the go, at the jobsite, or anywhere* 
• No more back and forth on custom quotes and drawings to approve 
• Simply drag-and-drop functionality 
Custom text and logos can be added in quickly and easily 
• Custom plates and panels ship in as little as 48 hours** 
• No minimum order 

Have questions about the software? Click here to contact our support staff. Click here to download our Platemasters support form.

Disclaimer: The Platemasters Design Tool Software™ and Platemasters CAD Software™ is offered by Comprehensive “as is” and makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability for a particular purpose. In no event shall Comprehensive or its parent company be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special exemplary or consequential damages, (included but not limited to data loss, computer malfunction, loss of use, or profits or, business interruption). Comprehensive provides this software free of charge to be used in a reasonable and lawful manner in accordance with the laws both local and federal governed by the United States. Comprehensive reserves the right to discontinue use of this software at any time without prior notice and will offer a period of up to 30 days for support after termination. This software canoe be copied lawfully or unlawfully without the express written permission by Comprehensive or its parent company. The Patemasters Design Tool Software™ and Platemasters CAD Software™ must be used in accordance with Comprehensive’s and its parent company’s terms and conditions. 

*Requires internet connection to place order **Actual delivery time may vary